How to become a Fire Ninja

To become a Fire Ninja, you must become a black belt ninja first. If you are not one yet, then click here to learn how to become one! Same thing; Each time you win, you will earn "points" to receive your next item. You also can click the cards on the bottom-left of your screen to check your status.

There are four different items: 1) The Flame Sandals 2) Magma Coat 3) Lava Mask 4) Fiery Helmet. Tip: To earn items more quickly, talk to the Sensei and click "Earn your Fire Suit".

They look awesome! But to earn each item. you must play Card-Jitsu Fire and win. So how does this work? How do I play Card-Jitsu Fire? It's almost the same as the original Card-Jitsu, but a little different. First of all, talk to the Sensei and click "Earn your Suit

Now what? The game will start in a few seconds and you must be ready to win! There are some rocks on the lava! Click on a rock and a number will appear. This number means you have to move the number of planes to the right or left.

Rules are the same. Fire beats Snow, Water beats Fire, Snow beats Water. If tied, the highest number wins. Anyways, if you win, you will receive one point of energy and if you loose, you will loose one point of energy too.

Each time you win the game, you will receive "points" to unlock the next item and like that. Once you get every single item, It's time to challenge the Sensei.

It will take you a couple of times to beat the Sensei, but once you beat him, you will receive the fire jem. And it will be placed on your amulet.

Congratulations! You are now an official Fire Ninja! There are more adventures coming soon! Make sure take a look at our other guides.


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